
Digital Marketing: 2 Roundhouse Kicks of Inspiration

Digital Marketing: 2 Roundhouse Kicks of Inspiration

You know those moments when you hear something that inspires you, like really, really inspires you? I know when that happens to me something eventually distracts me from taking action. And what good does that do? NONE! Recently I received two “roundhouse kicks” of inspiration, and I’ve chosen to take action. What were these kicks you ask?

The First Kick

The first “kick” was an amazing quote recently shared at a digital marketing conference I attended. The presenter shared the following quote:

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before beginning to improve the world.”

Isn’t that awesome? And how empowering!…This combined with my next “kick”, for me, were pure awesomeness!

Kick Numéro Dos

The second “kick” occurred during an episode of “Social Media Marketing” podcast I recently listened to where Michael Stelzner was interviewing Seth Godin, popular blogger and author (check them both out if you haven’t). I’ve always been fascinated by Seth’s raw, unique and frank perspective. Among a lot of amazing and thought-provoking insights Seth shared was one that really spoke to me. Seth said, “If no one, not one person read my blog I would still write it every day. It has done more for me, the act of writing it, than any single habit I have ever had.” Seth also commented on why he writes books, he said, “I don’t write books to sell them. I write books because I want my ideas to change things,”.

So Now What?

Too many times in life we do things only if we’re going to make money, or because they’re safe, but not for the more pure, and important, reasons Seth talks about. I’ve just recently started my adventure in the digital marketing space after years of working as a project/producer and team leader. My hope for this blog is that it will help me learn and grow in digital marketing, likely it will help me more than any reader. I may literally have “no one, not one person read my blog” I hope people find it useful, but if not I have the same perspective as Seth. I hope to learn much through the act of writing it. I’m excited for us all to learn together and to teach one another because there really is no reason we “need wait a single moment before beginning to improve the world” even if that world is only the world within each one of us. Here we go!

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